Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute
Theoretical and practical training was conducted for ASOIU students by AFSI specialists
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  • Theoretical and practical training was conducted for ASOIU students by AFSI specialists
10-03-2022 16:00

Regular trainings are being held in our country to ensure food security and organize the activities of business entities operating in this field in accordance with the requirements of existing legislation and international standards. Students of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) were the next participants of the theoretical-practical training conducted by the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute (AFSI).

During the training on "Proper waste management and control measures", participants were informed about the supply of air, water, energy and other utilities in the areas of daily food production. This was followed by a presentation on support services, including waste and sewage disposal, the suitability of the equipment and its accessibility for cleaning, maintenance and repair. During the training, students also got acquainted with the measures to prevent cross-contamination and the supply of purchased materials (raw materials, chemicals, packaging, etc.).

After the presentations, the training, which continued on the basis of mutual discussion, ended with answering the questions of the students.

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